For information on our products or to find out how to become an authorised dealers, please contact us by filling out the form below or via WhatsApp:


    YES I ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I consent to the processing of my personal data for the sole purpose of handling my request and its update - Privacy Policy.

    : I would like to receive communications and updates on projects, new products and events.
    - No Spam by Essenze di Luce promised!-


      Project Stage:

      Project intended to:


      Garden Dimension:


      Are there any other lighting elements in the project?:

      Products concerned by the request:

      Please upload here planimetry or project as an attachment (pdf or jpeg format up to 2.5 MB)

      For larger files or addictional documents related to the project, we kindly ask that you send them via dropbox or via wetransfer to the email address , thank you!

      YES I ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I consent to the processing of my personal data for the sole purpose of handling my request and its update - Privacy Policy.

      : I would like to receive communications and updates on projects, new products and events.
      - No Spam by Essenze di Luce promised!-


        Project Stage:

        Project intended to:


        Garden Dimension:


        Are there any other lighting elements in the project?:

        Products concerned by the request:

        Please upload here planimetry or project as an attachment (pdf or jpeg format up to 2.5 MB)

        For larger files or addictional documents related to the project, we kindly ask that you send them via dropbox or via wetransfer to the email address , thank you!

        YES I ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I consent to the processing of my personal data for the sole purpose of handling my request and its update - Privacy Policy.

        : I would like to receive communications and updates on projects, new products and events.
        - No Spam by Essenze di Luce promised!-

        Essenze di Luce

        Via dell’Artigianato 12/2
        33048 San Giovanni al Natisone, Udine – Italy

        Tel. (+39) 0432 756612


        The care we devote to the design and manufacture of our products finds continuity in the attention paid to packaging both as a protective element for products shipped worldwide.

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