Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our garden lighting and outdoor audio products.


All our garden lights are connected with a power cable to the home or building’s electrical network. The installation system is ‘open’: the lamps are suitable for home automation integration of both new installations and pre-installed systems integration.
They are not solar-powered and are not portable.

Want to control on/off from your smarthone? YES, IT CAN BE DONE!
Want the light to switch itself on at dusk? YES, IT CAN BE DONE!

Contact us for technical support.

The LED source was born as a fixed light, however when there is a need to adjust the light intensity, a dimmer can be installed.
Ask a trusted professional for advice on the appropriate dimmer to integrate.

YES! The construction system of the lamps is designed to allow the replacement of the LED once it runs out.
Spare parts are available on request and will be supplied with replacement instructions.

Our lamps are resistant and require almost no maintenance once installed. They can be easily cleaned with a low-power water jet or can be left in their natural state; any small moss build-up will not affect the proper functioning of the product.

LIGHTING IP rating: IP68

Of course, that is the beauty of our products! You can choose from a selection of marbles and natural stones the texture that best suits the architecture and style of your garden.

Discover all the textures or contact us for customized requests.


All our products are connected with a power cable to the home or building’s power supply and are suitable for newly installed home automation integration or other pre-installed audio systems.
They do not operate in sunlight and are not portable.

An amplifier and/or receiver (depending on product model) is required to set up the outdoor speakers.

All your favourite music via WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, AUX/Line In:

Integration of your favourite streaming music services
+ Music playback via Smartphone App
+ Integration into existing system
+ Multi-room technology

MENHIR SOUND 30w: ideal for large areas where sound pressure uniformity and homogeneous hi-fi diffusion is required, ideal for background music well distributed in the space.

MENHIR SOUND PRO 220W: sound system ideal for small to medium-sized private or public spaces, where omnidirectional audio quality, power and very high sound fidelity are required.

The number of  outdoor speakers varies not only according to the size of the garden. You should consider if there may be also different ‘zones’ where the sound must be evenly present: pool area, pergola area, living area, etc.

In general, these can be considered:

  • n.2 speakers: from 25sqm to 80sqm
  • n.4 speakers: from 90sqm to 140sqm
  • n.5/6 speakers: from 150sqm to 190sqm
  • custom project

Our outdoor speaker have tropicalised speakers for unparalleled resistance to splashes, spray, sand and the most adverse weather conditions. The construction system does not allow the generation of condensation or the entry of insects or natural residues. Almost no maintenance is required once installed.

They can be easily cleaned with a low-power water jet (position the water jet pointing downwards, not frontally, and do not wash the loudspeaker directly) or can be left in their natural state; any small moss build-up will not affect the proper functioning of the product.

SPEAKER IP rating: IP65

Of course, that is the beauty of our products! You can choose from a selection of marbles and natural stones the texture that best suits the architecture and style of your garden.

Discover all the textures or contact us for customised projects.

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